About the Founders
Featured: Steve Goldberg and Lois Goldberg
Steve and Lois Goldberg, the founders of Stefeno Hats, are not people who grew up living and breathing hats. And that’s why they’ve created a product that’s unique in the quality and value it provides.
Steve, a native of New Haven, Ct. and Lois who is from Long Island, NY, both started out on Wall Street in New York. Steve soon got into sales, and then hat sales, when he took a job at Stetson. After a number of years, he and his wife Lois decided to launch a wholesale hat business in 2003. TLS International LLC’s brand Stefeno Hats would have the best of both worlds – giving customers product that was not only top quality but also a good value. Steve noted, “we connect directly with our customers asking them what they need and then design the kinds of hats they want.
Stefeno Fur Felt hats are manufactured in Spain in the finest fur felt. Most of Stefeno’s other products which include cashmere caps and scarves, wool felt and wool hats and their caps are manufactured in Italy and Poland. While their better panama hats are produced in the U.S.
Stefeno has used this direct connection to produce their caps and hats. And their fashionable knit caps and their Fedoras come in a wide range of colors and details. “Most of the styles that Stefeno sells are unisex” Steve said.
Stefeno sells its brand of hats and caps to most of the hat stores around the country as well as better clothing retail stores. In addition, one of their areas of focus is private label for specialty department stores and better clothing stores.
The world of retail has changed and Stefeno needed to change with it. So a couple of years ago Lois and Steve decided to launch their internet business selling their brand directly to the public on line at stefenohats.com where you’ll find "Headwear with an Attitude."
The Stefeno Secret: the Origin of Stefeno's Quality
Find out the secret to Stefeno's long lasting success